Monday, April 27, 2009

You Are What You Eat

Good nutrition is as important to our bodies as exercise, meditation and rest. Nutrition affects our moods, our stamina, sleeping patterns, our memory and our ability to perform sexually.

When I am asked what types of food is best to eat, I am amazed at the reactions. We are not as eager to change if it means having to give up something we enjoy eating…even when it’s not good for us.

Our bodies are amazing machines. Especially considering what we put them through. Let’s compare our bodies with our vehicles for a moment. Our vehicles will not run unless we put in the proper fuel, keep the oil changed on a regular basis and replace the air filter. When there is no fuel in a vehicle, it will not run…period. 

Yet, time and time again, we will get up in the morning, grab a cup of coffee and rush off to work expecting our body to operate at its best until we decide to feed it; and then…when we do… there is nothing remotely nutritional about it. Yet, our bodies try to adapt, making the best of the food we eat until it slowly starts to break down and then one day we are told we have some type of disease and we ask, “How did this happen?” Why wait until you get ill before making a change?

What’s the good news? Our bodies begin to repair themselves immediately if given the proper nutrition (information). Our bodies will break down the food and move it along the information pathways to our cells, brain and nervous system in order to repair, rebuild and replenish each cell properly and keep our bodies operating in perfect order.

We don’t have to make radical changes to our diet. Start with simple changes; eat more food that is grown in your area -- stay away from manufactured foods. Eat as much organic foods as possible. Eat more fruits and vegetables, buffalo, fish and fowl. If you can’t purchase produce from a farmer’s market in your area, buy organic frozen. Frozen fruits and vegetables are picked and flash frozen in a short time period keeping them fresher. When you purchase produce at your local market, you have no clue how long it took the produce to get to that particular market location and may not be as “fresh” as you think.

Eat at home more often. Nothing beats homemade cooking. Not only will you know all the ingredients in the food you’re family is eating, but the food will taste better, be more nutritional… and sitting down reconnecting with your family will be a huge added bonus!
Photo courtesy of Marc Slingerland at

Friday, April 24, 2009


You Are The Answer (YATA) is a vision conceived by both, my business partner, Nevada Redd, and myself, to assist you to open new doors and enable you to: “Become the next grandest version of the greatest vision ever you held about who you are.” This will encompass talking about a plethora of subjects, books, and ideas we feel will help you recognize that in every question or uncertainty or trial or tribulation, You Are The Answer. (YATA)

Issues concerning spirituality, health, relationships or income, You Are The Answer. (YATA)

What ever difficulty you may be facing at this very moment, You Are The Answer. (YATA)

So, remember, when you feel you have lost your way or don’t know what to do, just remind yourself, “YATA, YATA, YATA,” and trust you’re feeling that comes from within.
Quote from Friendship with God, by Neale Donald Walsch.
Photo courtesy of Christer Ronning Austad

Friday, April 17, 2009

Go Within, Not Without

Whenever I get into conversations with friends about what we need in life and what makes us happy, the subject of going within always comes to the forefront. They'll ask, “What does that mean?"

I reply with the full quote by Neale Donald Walsch, “If you don’t go within, then you’ll go without.” It means that everything we need is inside of ourselves. If we don’t look inside ourselves to find our needs, we will invariable go “outside” ourselves and try to find fulfillment and justification from others. Notice I say, “Try,” because we will never find it outside of ourselves.

How many times do we seek the perfect relationship, work ourselves into bad health climbing the corporate ladder, extend ourselves by purchasing the biggest and best of everything thinking that one or all of the above will fill the huge void inside? That, maybe then…just maybe… someone will think we are worthy?

But suddenly, we loose our job or that perfect relationship or our house and we become totally lost because we no longer have some type of title or brand to define ourselves. What then?

Stop the crazy merry-go-round. Take a deep breath and be still for just a moment. Feels good doesn't it?

Anyone who can be alone with themselves and enjoy it… is going within. When you don’t have the need to tell others of your accomplishments, or point out your wealth or point out your good looks, or brag about your expensive car in order to receive admiration from others…you are going within.

When you start giving to others that very thing you thought you needed, slowly you start to realize the terrible void inside isn't as bad. You realize in order to give something to someone else, you have to possess it first. You begin to feel full, begin to feel like you’re wrapped up in a warm soft blanket on a very cold night, secure at last, with a "knowing" of who you are, not an "idea." The void is finally filled. The need to be validated by others is gone. Going within is powerful.
Photo courtesy of Renato Panchoa

Start Beating A Different Drum!

It is very interesting in today’s difficult and changing times how differently everyone reacts. Some say that life as we know it is coming to an end, while other’s think it is opportunity for growth. However you view today’s ever-changing times will determine your life experience of it. Some know this to be true while others think it is hogwash.

Whatever your view... stop beating the same drum... if you continue to tell the same “woe is me” story your life will continue to be a victim experience. This idea is shared by Abraham-Hicks who I have been an avid follower for several years.

One of their statements that truly helped to change the outcome of my life is, “If you don’t like what is going on in your life…change your story. Simply start telling a different story." Tell your story as you WANT your life to be and so shall it become. Believe when everyone else is telling you not too and you will create an amazing life experience. Don’t let naysayer’s dictate you life experience…BE the driving force in your life, believe your truths and you will experience amazing changes, and you’ll be awe-struck at how quickly this will happen.

Abraham-Hicks published several books, CD’s and DVD’s that explain how to apply their philosophy to your life. Ask and It Is Given was the first Abraham-Hicks book I read. It's written in easy to understand terms and is very simple to start implementing into your life immediately.

Do I hear the beating of new drums? I hope so. Let your new rhythm begin. I look forward to hearing about some of your life-changing experiences as they happen, so I, too, can share in your excitement.
Photo courtesy of Laura Glover

Monday, April 13, 2009

The Ego

One of my favorite pastimes is people-watching. Human behavior is so fascinating to me. There are those who react to situations by bullying and yelling louder and feeling they have shown the other who is in control. There are those who react by ignoring and quietly going away to avoid the situation and there are those who react by communicating and handling the situation with grace. Everyone has their style. Our society seems to have become so dramatic and very negative.

Our ego plays a huge part in how we respond to life. It’s because of our ego that we feel our way is the “right” way and therefore the only “correct” way of doing or responding or believing; instead of understanding that there is not a “right” way… but simply another way.

This understanding came to me while reading A New Earth, by Eckhart Tolle. This book is so powerful that I have read it several times and will read it several more times, and listen to the audio version of the book again and again.

This book is filled with so much information, I guarantee if you read it, you will definitely think twice before you react to life and maybe start being proactive. I wonder how many times you will re-read it???

Thursday, April 9, 2009

A Mindless Celebration

Inside of me is a feeling of knowing, an innate knowledge of things that I do not recall actually learning, but still “know” to be true. It is this feeling (soul) that I am learning to trust and live my life by. Whenever I let my mind change the direction of my original feeling (soul) it invariably has a negative outcome. My life challenge is learning to listen, follow, and honor these feelings (my soul) beyond a shadow of a doubt and take my mind out of the equation.

Hence the statement from the trilogy of Conversations With God - Book 2 - By Neale Donald Walsch: “Are you out of your mind?” and my response should be, “Yes, isn’t it wonderful? Your soul speaks to you in feelings. Listen to your feelings, follow your feelings, honor your feelings. Your feelings will never get you into trouble because your feelings are 'your' truth. True celebration is mindless.”

The Conversations With God trilogy by Neale Donald Walsch are wonderful. Visit the website and decide for yourself. And while you're there check out several of Walsch's other books. His books were truly a life saver for me.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


One of my most vivid memories is when I was about five years old. We lived out in the country. After my mother would tuck me in bed for the night I would insist that she closed my bedroom door “tight” as she left. My mother would seem uncomfortable with my request and say that she would leave it open just a bit, but I would convince her to close it all the way. Why?

My bed was next to the window and I loved laying there looking up at the stars. Being out in the country the stars were spectacular. You could see so many stars and they were so vivid I felt as if I could reach out and touch some of them. I would lie there and connect the stars and draw imaginary pictures and contemplate life. Yes, that’s right, at five years old, wondering what was out there in that vastness with all the twinkling stars. I’d question why I was alive, why was I here on earth? Would my mother always be here with me? What would I do if she died? Fast forward forty or so years and I’m still searching for answers.

It is with this life long journey that I have read many, many spiritual books that have changed the course of my life. I hope sharing some of those insights will encourage you to revisit books you may have been interested in reading, but just haven’t found the time. Maybe these book reviews will encourage you to find the time to read that one book, that caught your eye, and you purchased... but never read.
Photo courtesy of Lynne Lancaster