Thursday, June 25, 2009

Unconditional Love

“I love you so much; I don’t care what you think,” Quote by Abraham-Hicks.

Sounds like an oxymoron doesn’t it?

Love is a difficult emotion for me to feel and express easily. At an early age, due to a very difficult childhood, I shut down on the “love” emotion. I did not want to open myself up to hurt and disappointment. I had to be strong and non-emotional. I learned that expressing emotion meant being weak. "Don't let others know how you truly feel. Suck it up and get over it." I was told, “It’s not what you want that is important, it’s what you have to do, and don't forget it.” So, I learned to give others what they wanted first, and put my needs aside. I was strong and I could handle the disappointment more easily than others.

Wrong! What I was really doing, was killing myself slowly…not allowing my spirit to soar and expand.

From constantly searching for answers, I happened across Abraham-Hicks. They have written several books and travel the country sharing the teachings of Abraham through daily seminars. If you are unable to attend one of their seminars, they create DVD’s of the actual seminars that can be purchased on their interactive website,

These DVD’s are packed full of wonderful information. They begin with an opening statement given by Abraham (a group consciousness from the non-physical dimension) through Ester (who channels their information) and then, the audience is allowed to ask questions. Once chosen, the person sits in the “hot seat” (I don’t know why they call it the hot seat, to me, it’s more like the “opportunity seat.”) and they are able to ask their questions.

I purchased the DVD: Joyous Adventure! The Law of Attraction in Action, Episode VIII. I spent one whole day viewing and reviewing the information and taking several notes. When I came to the part about love and unconditional love, I was blown away. All my years of searching for the answer of why it’s so difficult for me to love, was answered in this one statement. “I love you so much; I don’t care what you think."

If you want to know the explanation of the above statement, I recommend you purchase the DVD: Joyous Adventure! The Law of Attraction in Action, Episode VIII and enjoy the ride.

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