Saturday, May 9, 2009

Take Back Your Power

In conversations with several friends throughout the years, it seems that one suggested piece of advice I gave them that really registered was, “Take back your power.” It is sad that we so eagerly give our power to someone else in any given situation. One good example: if we are having a disagreement with anyone and they are accusing us of something; as soon as we begin to defend ourselves, we have given them our power. We have fueled the situation to escalate.

I shared this information with a friend and a few days later she called me and said, “I can’t believe how easy it is to take back my power." She went on to explain that her husband was angry at her reaction to a situation and in his usual loud manner, started telling her what she had done and how he didn’t like it. Instead of her trying to defend herself, she just listened and when he was done, she simply said, “I’m sorry you feel that way.” He looked at her in disbelief. He didn’t even know what to say.

She continued to get ready for work. After a few grumblings under his breath, he left the room. He, then, came back into the room and started to list all the things he had done that week without being asked. She realized he was trying to get her to argue with him and didn’t know how to handle her unusual reaction. She replied calmly again, “Yes, you did, and it was a huge help to me. I greatly appreciated it.”

He looked at her as if something from outer space came down and snatched his wife and replaced her with an alien. He truly did not know how to react to her. As she left for work, she kissed him, told him she loved him and she’d talk to him later. His only reply was, “Love you, too,” as the confusion showed in his face.

Now, I’m not saying that it is easy to take back your power in situations all the time. Not so. It’s a work in progress, however; the more you take back your power, the easier life becomes.

I did not learn this on my own; I read a book years ago that shared this great wisdom. Take Back Your Power, by Yasmin Davidds. I recommend this book for anyone who wants to take back control of their life and no longer be a victim. When this idea is implemented in your life, you will totally change your life’s experience.
Photo courtesy of Steve Woods at

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