Friday, April 17, 2009

Go Within, Not Without

Whenever I get into conversations with friends about what we need in life and what makes us happy, the subject of going within always comes to the forefront. They'll ask, “What does that mean?"

I reply with the full quote by Neale Donald Walsch, “If you don’t go within, then you’ll go without.” It means that everything we need is inside of ourselves. If we don’t look inside ourselves to find our needs, we will invariable go “outside” ourselves and try to find fulfillment and justification from others. Notice I say, “Try,” because we will never find it outside of ourselves.

How many times do we seek the perfect relationship, work ourselves into bad health climbing the corporate ladder, extend ourselves by purchasing the biggest and best of everything thinking that one or all of the above will fill the huge void inside? That, maybe then…just maybe… someone will think we are worthy?

But suddenly, we loose our job or that perfect relationship or our house and we become totally lost because we no longer have some type of title or brand to define ourselves. What then?

Stop the crazy merry-go-round. Take a deep breath and be still for just a moment. Feels good doesn't it?

Anyone who can be alone with themselves and enjoy it… is going within. When you don’t have the need to tell others of your accomplishments, or point out your wealth or point out your good looks, or brag about your expensive car in order to receive admiration from others…you are going within.

When you start giving to others that very thing you thought you needed, slowly you start to realize the terrible void inside isn't as bad. You realize in order to give something to someone else, you have to possess it first. You begin to feel full, begin to feel like you’re wrapped up in a warm soft blanket on a very cold night, secure at last, with a "knowing" of who you are, not an "idea." The void is finally filled. The need to be validated by others is gone. Going within is powerful.
Photo courtesy of Renato Panchoa

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